最近お母さんが買ってくれたおもちゃ。ぐるぐる動いてどんどん近づいてくる!攻撃するけど、あのフサフサの毛は気持ち良さそうで思わずほおずりしたくなるぅ♪ My mom bought this toy for me. It moves around and comes near me! I love the fluffy thing attached to it. It makes me wanna bury my face in it!
hahahahaha!! I love this video!!! I want that toy soooo bad!!! i think Goma will LOVE that!!! Piko seems doing really good I think she is liking her new home MEXICO!!
年齢/Age:2年8ヶ月/7 months
出身地/Found:畑の近く/in a rice field
ルックス/Appearance :つやつやの黒髪に緑の目/Glossy blac hair with yellow/green eyes
2 件のコメント:
hahahahaha!! I love this video!!! I want that toy soooo bad!!! i think Goma will LOVE that!!! Piko seems doing really good I think she is liking her new home MEXICO!!
WOW!!!! That is the coolest toy I have ever seen! I can see how much Piko likes it :)
Purrs Mickey