
ピコ流肩ほぐし体操 Shoulder stretch (Piko style)

人間は肩こりとか大変ね。わたしには無縁のことだからよくわかんないけど、この体操、こないだテレビでやってたから真似してみた♪お母さんにはあまり効き目がなかったみたいだけどね。Humans have shoulder pain, but I've never had shoulder pain. I watched this shoulder stretch movement on TV the other day, so I thought I might try it for mom. Obviously, it didn't work!! Oh well...

1 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

yes yes humans gets pain in shoulder all the time!!! Piko you are such a role model for all of us!! we should do work out like that all the time~~!!