やっぱお水はフレッシュじゃなきゃ♪Nothing better than fresh tab water??
自分の水があるけど、蛇口から直接水を飲むのが大好き♪水の音がするとすぐにダッシュ!I love drinking water directly out of tab even though I have my own water in a container. I rush toward running water whenever I hear it!!
年齢/Age:2年8ヶ月/7 months
出身地/Found:畑の近く/in a rice field
ルックス/Appearance :つやつやの黒髪に緑の目/Glossy blac hair with yellow/green eyes
2 件のコメント:
OMG! Piko is sooooo cute! i lov watching tangue!! she is sooo smart!
Hello Piko! We found you through Gomo's blog! You are just gorgeous!