ゴマ兄さんからプレゼントをもらったよ。うれしぃぃぃ〜!!!頭に付けるとかわいいらしい。。。ホント? I got a present from Goma brother! I am soooooo happy!!! Is it true that I am supposed to put it on my head?!
年齢/Age:2年8ヶ月/7 months
出身地/Found:畑の近く/in a rice field
ルックス/Appearance :つやつやの黒髪に緑の目/Glossy blac hair with yellow/green eyes
3 件のコメント:
OMG!!! This is tooo cute!! it's too much!! I looove the comic!! good job!!
This is cute! I am friends with Goma and saw your comic there. Very good job!
Hello Goma! I love Piko!!!