わ〜い!!おっきなプレゼントをもらったよ。私の友達のイザベラさんからもらったの。開けるのが楽しみだわ♪ありがとう、イザベラ!また遊びにきてね。Wow!! I got a huge present from my friend Isabella. I just can't wait to open it♪Thank you so much Isabella!! Please come and play with me again!
年齢/Age:2年8ヶ月/7 months
出身地/Found:畑の近く/in a rice field
ルックス/Appearance :つやつやの黒髪に緑の目/Glossy blac hair with yellow/green eyes
1 件のコメント:
OMG!! That looks GREAT!! It is better than what Goma has...lucky you Piko!! you can play so much with that!!