引き出しにひそんで、人をびっくりさせるのが大好き!せまくて暗くてあたたかい所にいると落ち着くのよね♪ I like surprising people by hiding somewehere unexpected! I love being in a small,dark,and warm places♪
OMG sis sorry for not coming here for so long!! I just came and you really did a lot of posting!! I love the video!! I like how I can not see pIko at first. How did she get in there!!!
年齢/Age:2年8ヶ月/7 months
出身地/Found:畑の近く/in a rice field
ルックス/Appearance :つやつやの黒髪に緑の目/Glossy blac hair with yellow/green eyes
1 件のコメント:
OMG sis sorry for not coming here for so long!! I just came and you really did a lot of posting!! I love the video!! I like how I can not see pIko at first. How did she get in there!!!